Monday, 30 November 2015

Paris 2015 - India

India: 3rd Greatest CO2 Emissions
Top 5 Countries by CO2 Emissions (in GT)

INDIA: Third TOP CO2 Emitter after China (#1) and USA (#2)

India cannot yet provide a Target Peak Date for CO2 Emissions. At least 600 million of its citizens need to be uplifted from lower economic situations. To reach this urgent political target, it reserves the right to increase it CO2 emissions (mainly from burning COAL, and other fossil fuels to generate electricity).

BUT India will endeavor to reduce the rate of CO2 emissions per unit of GDP as their economy rapidly grows, until greater improvements in efficiency as well as important investments in alternate energies, including nuclear power, can help reduce their total CO2 emissions.

India is pressuring Developed Nations to leave the Carbon Space to the less developed economies.

  • India is among countries seeking assistance from Richest Nations to remediate the effects of Climate Change on its Agriculture and other infrastructure.
Year eCO2 GDP Population
2015 2.1 GT $2.18T 1,27B

Climate Change Drought Effects

The Drought is increasing in India (less Monsoon) because the climate is changing. Agriculture is suffering due to less rain in the fields, and also less rain in the hydro-electric dams, so less energy to pump water at the farms.

Biochar Retains Water: Feeding Billions More
Biochar Neutralizes Drought
(BloomTheDesert picture)

Biochar (biological charcoal, also known as "Terra Preta") is an amazing agricultural additive that reduces the effects of Drought.
Biochar is mixed in with soil - even sand or clay - to produce a rich soil that retains water and minerals, and provides greater yields.

Biochar mixed with sand dunes extends existing arable land with new soil, especially combined with drip farming. (see pictured: BloomTheDesert growing food in the dunes near Dubai).

Adding biochar to soil avoids loss of precious minerals - such as phosphate - to leaching. This also helps prevent algae blooms (red tide) which cause toxins in drinking water supply, and dead zones in rivers, lakes and oceans.

Biochar success stories


"The company (CoolPlanet) said that field trials completed of its CoolTerra additive resulted in a 56 percent increase in strawberry production and a 40 percent decrease in fertilizer use, and a 50 percent reduction in water use in turf grass trials with a municipality." [link]


"It means that arid land anywhere- anytime- can be transformed into fertile land - using these LOW cost combined techniques we have developed- and that MINIMAL use of (organic) fertilizer would be required- this keeps the cost of farm production down." [link]

Many More Cases . . .

Our research has identified many more opportunities to put carbon in the ground for economic benefits.

Biochar Production Generates Carbon Negative Energy

Biochar is produced by charring (distillation) of Biomass until all fumes (VOCs) cease and Biochar remains (carbon with minerals).

Co-generation of biochar from biomass produces an additional desirable by-product. The fumes (wood gas) are combustible and can fuel electric power generation or heat applications.

Biochar production is "Carbon Negative" when 50% of carbon emitted by bacteria (as ephemeral biomass rots) is instead sequestered for a long time as charcoal.

The remaining 50% can first be used to fuel electric power generation before reaching the atmosphere.

India has thousands of small electric generations stations as well as larger Power Plants that burn coal, bunker oil, natural gas.

Biochar production units can be set up near existing power plants to burn the fumes thus allowing co-generation of electricity that is Carbon Negative.

Biochar from fallen biomass is eligible to produce Carbon Credits that offset carbon emissions, and acquired/sold to reduce applicable Carbon Taxes.

Soon, India could be Carbon Neutral!

Can India benefit from absorbing and sequestering CO2?

  • Remediate the effects of Drought on Farmers and Agriculture with applications of biochar in soils to stretch the available water.
  • Co-generation of Carbon Negative Energy source (biochar production fumes).

India's Agriculture has a huge need for drought remediation.

Within a few years, Biochar production can ramp up to increase farmer's yields, with the potential of totally offsetting the country's CO2 emissions ... and more, maybe?

Fixing Climate Change by Accident?

Fixing Climate Change by Accident?

Climate Change happened by Accident. Can it disappear the same way as we created the problem - while busily doing something else?

Can large scale remediation and creation of vast new farming spaces cause Global Net Removal of CO2?